Sunday, February 19, 2017

With the US Government attempting to shut down functioning of the COMAC’s Ground Control Unit, we’re now witnessing some crazy developments between COMAC and the network of other amateur space missions currently in flight.

 With the legal status of amateur space missions varying greatly between nation states, activist groups are organizing themselves in legally grey places and starting up new ground control units in these extrajudicial territories, calling them “Charter Cities”.

It seems now that from basing their technologies off of OSSE Standards, the spacecrafts are able to communicate with multiple ground controls at any point in time and completely disconnect themselves from a singular “home base”.

INTERCEPT! These videos show that they are using this DISTRIBUTED GROUND CONTROL in their new USER INTERFACE! this is SCANDALOUS!!!!

 What are we going to do about this??

More on Charter cities

Unrecognized by the States as citizens, patients from COMAC have been temporarily placed in these so-called charter cities - Tokyo 07, Guangzhou 57, Ahmedabad 32 and provided with a safe space from the state, provincial, regional or national laws, as well as from the various militant religious groups, etc. The staff is provided with instructions on how to treat survived such severe experiments patients. Full-time observation and maintenance is provided by the Distributed Ground Control stations.


we've been blogging about COMAC, we broke the first story about this CRUCIAL ISSUE and now the US GOVERNMENT OF OUR EARTH PLANET is FINALLY doing something about it!
Below is a LEAKED DOCUMENT from the US GOVERNMENT of a cease and desist order against OUR MORTAL ENEMIES *COMAC*.

SO just a little celebration tonight in the "" office for the impending DESTRUCTION of the ALEAGEL AND HIGHLY *WEIRD* COMAC CORPROATION THAT IS FINALLY BEING STOPPED.

no need to thank us. just a day in the life of THE WORLDS MOST POWERFUL INTERGALACTIC SPACE BLOOGERS: space-exposure taking over the UNIVERSE

Saturday, February 18, 2017

DEEPER DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE~~~~~....!!!! How is this OK!!!?!

A little searching on the dark web has led me to this secret information!!

Straight from their website:

"Patients are provided with the additional experimental drug options. For those whose treatments continuously demonstrated poor performance, the lab has:

1) "Space X" - the drug that relieves severe anxiety, depression, pain. Gives a patient feeling of happiness and relaxation. On Earth, the drug was tested on such large animals like elephants and bears. The use on humans is prohibited due to such complications as paralysis of the limbs, permanent memory loss, blindness. The Space X effects last up to 3 days.

2) "Space Memory Eraser 3000" - causes reduction of memory capabilities. Patients experience dementia-like effects. The drug makes people forget the horrific treatments they experienced on the day before.

3) Patients can sign up for hormonal treatment. Experiments on small animals on Earth have shown the amazing results: mice treated with "Gender-twist 2.0" showed decreased gender dysphoria symptoms and increased ease and happiness after using treatment.

4) The patients are also provided with "space euthanasia". Willing patients will be given a drug that delivers easy and painless departure to "another world". We strongly encourage patients to sign up to have their bodies used as fuel for the COMAC vessel, or otherwise on request the patient's ashes will be sent to open space in the durable box that can last up to 1000 years in ordinary space conditions. Although some people say that it's a scam and all the patient's body will be used for organ transplantation on the space black market, this is actually not true at all.

I ask again: How is this ok!? This is not ok people!!we have got to do something!!!

They even admit to deep space organ transplantation right there in the last line!


Open Source Space Exploration (OSSE) was an initiative started by the Copenhagen Suborbitals project, wanting to make more of their technologies and practices available to the wider amateur astronauts community of citizen.

What started as one of the first citizen space initiatives without significant corporate or state funding has now spearheaded the creation of the first set of OSSE Standards for other missions and citizen space initiatives to use and model when developing manned space missions for up to 50 passengers.

The OSSE Standards fall into 4 categories:
  • Technology & sample BOM for launching / piloting of spacecraft
  • Technology & sample BOM for ground control unit
  • Technology & sample BOM for cabin ecology of the spacecraft
  • Protocols / Software for Ground Control communication

With recent scientific discoveries around VX Modules and their ability to dramatically increase the carrying capacity of spacecrafts (particularly those using liquid rocket engines as their main launch engine), the community around OSSE Standards has exploded.

There still isn't much public facing documentation of groups (from AAA or otherwise) making use of these plans for their own missions, but this is likely due to the still grey legal situation surrounding citizen space flights.

However, if it's any indication... the reddit community VX Junkies has exploded within the past several months, and there is no other known application for this technology outside of high capacity space launches.

With so little information available in the public about these DIY flight initiatives, we're on our own mission to uncover as many stories as we can, bringing the knowledge of citizen space to all the people!


Well, well, well. This is very interesting. It seems our "" friends are using CRAIGSLIST.COM to advertise for MORE ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF for their OFF PLANET TERROR-HEALTH LAB

to be continued...

Controverial Treatment Exposure #3

I've just discovered this information on drug treatment from COMAC!!! #Thisisfuckingserious

"Radioprotectors are drugs that protect normal cells from damage caused by radiation therapy. These drugs promote the repair of normal cells exposed to radiation. For patients with only local cancer diseases we recommend an additionally therapy with radioprotection to assure the overall success of the treatment. Further we promote a radioprotection therapy after a successful cancer treatment in order to promote a state of health before the return to earth."

"Radiosensitizers are drugs that make cancer cells more sensitive to the effects of cosmic gammar radiation therapy. We have developed this treatment for severe tumor diseases with multiple cycles. This treatment allows for a very focussed therapy on isolated cancer."

Controversial Treatment Exposure #2

Constant imaging scans are performed during stay in space. These imaging scans are processed by computers to identify changes in a tumor’s size and location due to treatment and to allow the planned radiation dose to be adjusted during treatment as needed.

This is how cosmic gammar radiation works

Gammar Fashion

Cosmic gammar radiation can damage some types of normal tissue more easily than others. For example, the reproductive organs are more sensitive to radiation than bones. 
COMAC created a special uniform for these causes.

Mission revealed: cosmic gammar ray treatment

What would you do if you are to die soon because you suffer from severe and cureless cancer? Propably anything that might keep you alive. COMAC is not what it claims to be, but a laboratory for experimental cancer treatment with cosmic gammar radiation! 
How we found out? I can't tell you. Be sure, I'm serious about this. I think they should go on. People gonna die anyways. 
What if this is the greatest discovery of our time?

Controversial Treatment Exposure #1

Scientists to use Xenotransfusion to keep patients alive!!!

Forces in space lower the amount of red blood cells within the body and therefore can have a negative effect on the overall treatment. To keep patients happy and alive there has to be a constant disposability of fresh blood. Where do they these amounts of blood from??
We have discovered COMAC uses  cow blood!! It is claimed it to meet safety standards and compatibility to all blood groups. Xenotransfusion in space, that brilliant and scary at the same time. Restrictions on earth are too tight to make these sorts of experiments.
What's your opinion on that? Frankensteinish? 

Exposed!! Intergalactic medical treatments being advertised as SPACE PLANT TOURS ``SHOCKING!`` SUCH A SCAM. Scary!

wow, this one should really shock you!!
it turns out that at "" our #roguefriends are advertising "plant tours in space".
that sounds nice, right? Wholesome? a fun trip for the whole family..????!??!!?

but if you dig a little deeper (down the rabbit hole) you'll find the EXACT SAME TREATMENT DESCRIPTIONS on EXPERIMENTAL MEDICAL TREATMENTS being conducted in deep space! This is a scandal!!! how can they do this so blatantly!? Don't the KNOW they're going to be FOUND OUT???!

So shocking.
operating as COMAC (which we have reason to believe is a shortened version of the term Cosmic Accelerator!!!) so watch out this is scary stuff.


HOLD THESE INSTUTITUIONS ACCOUNTABLE!!!! UCSciF Medical Facility and Journal of Plant Research are NOT OK, Keep the PRESSURE on this orgs!


This blog tracks developments (observed or speculated) around citizen space. Mostly #alternativefacts yet to be confirmed by official representatives of the organizations which we speculate on here.

Most of our research centers around initiatives stemming from AAA (Association of Autonomous Astronouts), and the recent dissemination of OSSE (Open Source Space Exploration) Standards.